Friday, April 13, 2012

Today in Blank Stare News...

Another week and I'm bringing you another set of randomness.  My lovely line sister Cisely sent me a text this week entitled: In Today's Blank Stare news...I hollered....So, I decided to entitle this week's post in honor of those things and people that create blank stares once you see them or hear them....

1.  Do you know someone who has lost weigh but looked better fat?

2. How many of you speculate that someone you know significant other is secretly in the closet?

3. Will anyone miss Sheree on Real House Wives of Atlanta?  

4. Can you believe we are living in an area where the youngest generation doesn’t know who Bugs Bunny is?

5. How did we take a drama like The Color Purple and now view it as a comedy? 

6. Wonders do doctors have to take a course in  bedside manners before they finish medical school?

7. Rodney King , do you really think that Trayvon Martin’s death is equal to your beatdown?

8. Is anyone else nervous about the talks about filming sequels to Love Jones and the Best Man?

9. Is teaching children manners an old school parenting skill?

10. Does anyone still have a container where they put their old cooking oil?

11. Can you still not trust a big butt and a smile?

12. Can beauty supply stores and hair dressers make their customers go through pre weave workshops before they buy? (Sample classes: When Weave Goes Wrong 101, Color blending 201, Quantity Doesn't Equal Quality 300, and Tricks and Tips of the Trade 400)

Madame....take classes 101 and 300 immediately

13. Did everyone else do a happy dance when Zimmerman was charged?

14. Does anyone else have a person you call a friend only because you know if you don’t be their friend they won’t have anyone?

15. Is anyone else totally grossed out by Morgan Freeman and his step granddaughters relationship?

16. Do you have a list of people that you wish you could permanently put *blank stare* on their Facebook status wall? 

17. Anybody else loves when your parents visit but loves it more when they leave?

18. How can you nicely to tell people to stop suggesting whack questions to add to this blog?

19. How can one of my college students can barely speak English, but can turn in an article in with perfect diction and  grammar?

20. Was anyone else wasn’t completely offended, but sees the “coonery” in Mary J. Blige’s Burger King commercial?  

21. However, wouldn't you make the exact same commercial if you were offered $2 million?

22. How many generations should be paying on a church’s building fund last?

Until next week,



  1. My response to the question about bedside manner is HELL NO! Case in point, when I went into pre-term labor with twins and the doctor told me if they were born that day they would not give care, then acted like he's just said my eyes are brown! Jerk. Thank God for the doctor that came in when he left and told me to disregard everything he'd said, because God is in control. He later went on to deliver on of my two healthy (albeit born preemie) twin boys!

  2. lol, here's MY question... why don't you have "LIKE" buttons by your questions? lol, I love your mind.
