Friday, May 11, 2012

He Without Sin...Cast the First Stone

With Obama's stance on gay marriage and people's reactions to it this week I find myself kind of fired up up about the hypocrisy of some Christians.  I mean people if you are SO HOLY and can afford to throw rocks at folks because of their lifestyle choices then pick up your rocks then...but every time I get ready to throw one...I have to drop mine real fast because when I turn around I see stones getting ready to be thrown at me...*Dropping stones and writing out my 20twoquestions*
1. Why do people ignore the fact that homosexuality is listed among a HOST of other sins? (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

2.  Why are straight people so protective of marriage when they don't even respect it themselves?

3.  What happened to turn the other cheek?  

4.  Why aren't people speaking out on issues of child pornography, sex trafficking, or bestiality?

5.  When will people realize that other people do not think your pet is as cute, adorable, and fun as you do?

6.  Do people realize that their pets are not their CHILDREN and should not be treated as such? 

7.  Why does country living require that meat must be in/on EVERYTHING?

8. How country is my mother for not eating fish bites from Checkers unless she had some bread? *blank stare*

9.  Why don't we get a genie, fairy godmother, or a wizard at our disposal in times of distress? 
10.  How is my life going to be different now that I am an only child?

11.  Have you ever passed a church and wondered who came up with the name for it?

12.  How come there is always one person at a workshop that thinks they know more than the presenter?
If you knew so much you would be the presenter!

13.  Are there any words to describe how oversexed you must be to do this? (Man watches porn in McDonald's dining area)
14.  Can we have government committee that works in conjunction with the Department of Health, the U.S. Census, and Bob Barker to  screen people before they can have children? 
Pets aren't the only ones that need to be spayed or neutered.
15. Who told people that bad things don't happen to good people?

16.  Why do we expect people to "love thou neighbor as thyself" when people don't really even like who they are?

17.  Do people not realize your political views and your personal views are not always the same? 

18.  Does anyone else think this is a bad idea for Amber Riley to leave Glee?  

19.  How can you be in love with someone who does not try to match the love God commands us to have for each other?  

20.  Do you think Mase is trying two serve to masters? 

21. Am I the only one who loves the Realness of Mary Mary's new reality show?

22. Do you realize what a blessing it is just to wake up to see another day? 

Until next week,

- N


  1. In response to #5...Parents also need to realize that strangers do not think their CHILDREN are cute, fun, and adorable. It drives me batty to see children running wild in a restaurant or store. About 1 month ago I was in line in CVS when a lady came in to have a passport photo taken. As she walked in she told her children, "Alright! Go play while I take this picture." Hmmmm....

  2. Lol about the bread and fish thing, was the same thing at my house. For some strange reason, we weren't allowed to drink milk when we ate fish either.
