Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oh NO You Didn't

The other week I was listening to music and I realized some songs are just meant to get some shiznit started...These messages of these songs are anti-Kum-ba-ya and pretty much dare someone to cross that imaginary line that was drawn.  However, these messages of violence do not stop in our music. It seems that we live in a world where violene just seems to be the answer.  Instead of dealing with things in the "what would Jesus do" approah we become animalistic.  So, what are the triggers that sometimes causes these fits of rage?  Well, the majority of this week's 20twoquestions are about some of these situations that may cause people in them to say...  

1. Why would anyone not have enough class to NOT fight somebody at their job?

2.  Can anyone explain the benefit of fighting over a man?   

Boom I Got Your Boyfriend - MC Luscious
He's Mine - MoKenStef 

The Boy is Mine - Monica & Brandy

3.  Can you really be proud that you took your beverage and turned it into an assault weapon?

4.  How scary is reality if shows like Love and Hip Hop aren't scripted?
5.  Does anyone else wonder how many times Beyonce had to use spellcheck in her riveting message to Frank Ocean? 
6.  Why is the Obama campaign endorsing that hot mess of a letter Beyonce wrote to Michelle? (at least they had her read it instead of showing to the world how grammatically in correct it was)

7. Can we all REALLY just get alone?

8.  Can we ban all slow drivers from two lane highways?

9.  Who in the heezy breaks into people's house to watch porn?  

10.  Does anybody else think this whole Katherine Jackson disappearance is suspect?

11. When will people realize that the eyes always reveal that people are CRAZY?
Ted Bundy
Jeffrey Dahmer
James Holmes

12.  Has anyone ever said something so stupid you wanted to smack them and their parents for having them? 
13.  Does anybody else think this just may be a cause worth fighting for? 

14.  Carl Thomas  you might not mind if it rains forever, however can you please lift the Summer Rain curse you have placed on us? 

15. Does anybody else love that the President and First Lady aren't afraid of a little PDA?

16. Could this man be the new poster child for gun control

17.  Is anyone else happy to see the gang wars between DirecTV and Viacom come to a peaceful end? 
18. Did anyone else kind of wish this was a scene from Final Destination? 
19.  What the heezy is up with the needles in the airline food?

20.  Would more or less fights start if we lived by the practice "turn the other cheek"? 
21. Can people truly forgive and forget? 

22. Can people find some real causes (AIDS, Cancer, Sex Trafficking, etc.) to fight for?

I'm just saying
- N

Friday, July 13, 2012

I Can't Tell You Why...

Nothing's wrong as far as I can see
We make it harder than it has to be
and I can't tell you why
no, baby, I can't tell you why 
-The Eagles

As my regular Questioners (the name of the followers of the blog) know I am ALWAYS making random observations about our world.  Sometimes I have answers, but in many cases I'm left shaking my head with more questions....The actions,motives, reasons, etc. of humans boggle my mind.  This week I was left without answers so I'll just open the floor up for discussion with this week's 
20two questions that left me saying ....

1.  Why don't celebrities take out mortgages instead of just buying their houses CASH so they will always have a place to stay

2.  Why does R.Kelly always talkimg about making babies in his songs but nobody knew he even had 1 kid?

3. Why are men beginning to be the ones that are super sensitive in relationships?

4.  Why does Big Brother ALWAYS have stereotypical roles (gay, black, a nerd, a model/beauty queen, a rocker,etc)? 

 5. Why don't people realize that relationships have to be about COMPROMISE? 

6. Why can't women on reality TV settle their disagreements like they know even a little about Jesus?

7. Speaking of things ungodly, why in the world would I EVER watch RHOA without NeNe Leakes?

8.  Why would anybody in their right mind think that Lil' Scrappy should be on any show besides Cops? 

9.  Why am I not on Single Ladies since they find hot and/or rich guys all the time in Atlanta? 

10.  Why in the heezy does Fantasia not know about birth control

11. Why in the world would anybody listen to a song talking about wanting a smart girl with a dumb booty?

12. Furthermore, why was I told that guys said it's hard to find a smart girl with a dumb booty?

13.  Trust I know big girls need love too, but WHY would sexercise be your workout plan of choice?

14.  Why does the Octomom still have her children? 
Yes, she did a porno as well...
15.  Why is Gary Oldman's reading from R.Kelly's memoir embarrassing and hilarious at the same time? 

 16. Better question...Why does R. Kelly have a memoir?

17.  Why can't we buy TV by the channel instead of buying cable packages? 

18. Why can't I get "Beez in the Trap" out of my head?

19.  Why did this guy think it was ok to make a parody called "Beez Wit the Blacks"? 

20.  Why do I STILL LOVE the Swagger Wagon Commercial? 

21.  Why can't I get people to like OUR PAGE ON Facebook

Please click the link above and like our page.
22. Why is Usher's Climax the epitome of how I feel right now?

I can't tell you why,

- N

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What in the world edition

I mean when I look around my surroundings sometimes I am just puzzled and can only respond WHAT IN THE WORLD to somethings.  This week I decided to pose 20two questions that had me saying what in the world or sometimes why in the world...So, without further adieu - Here are this week's 20twoquestions...

1. Am the only one who just by looking at Big Ang you say what in the world?
Maybe she's out of this world.
2.  Does anybody else hate the term "retched" now?

3.  Why after decades of living in the country why am I now completely disgusted by bugs?

4.  Why is this story based from where I grew up?

5. Why are men so clueless when they have done something wrong?

6.  Has anyone seen my motivation flying around anywhere?

7.  Why is being in my snuggie the best feeling ever?

8.  Why is it major news when someone comes out as being gay?

9.  Why does the Cafe at the Georgia Aquarium not sell any seafood?

10.  Could R. Kelly get any whacker?

11.  Why does my stomach choose the most inopportune time to start acting like it is dancing to It's Time for the Percolator?  

12.  How many people actually know what a percolator is? 

13.  Was anyone surprised by Tom and Katie's break up?   

14.  Then on the flip side did we really think Evelyn and Chad were going to get married? 

15.  But am I the only one counting down the time until they are like number 13?

16.  Is anyone else intrigued by the show Hollywood Exes?  
17.  Are the rest of my ATLiens as tired as I am of reality TV giving Hotlanta a bad name?

18.  Who wants to go see Magic Mike with me? 

19.  Is anyone else counting down to the new Batman movie

20.  As hot as it has been lately is anyone else certain that like me that they do not want to go to hell?  
21.  Does anyone else agree with Chris Rock's Fourth of July tweet?  

22.  Am I the only one who wished he would have kept this song at the radio edit?  
Geesh Trey....

Until we meet again,

- N