Monday, August 27, 2012

20two on the 20second

20two on the 20second!!!  This is officially our 20second post!  Usually I start projects like this and kind of find them fading off in the wind, but I've heard from several of you about how much you enjoy my carrying on.  As a result, I continue to press through the craziness each week's and write my 20two questions.  I am so humbled that we are at almost 5,000 hits!!!  

So, in true 20two questions form the 20second post is dedicated to all the random thoughts that went  through this head of mine throughout the week.  I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! Please share with 20two of your favorite people! :)  

Don't forget to like us on Facebook  and follow us on Twitter @20twoquestions.

1. What does it say about a man who is on Pinterest? 

2.  Where do homeless  people get the Sharpies for their signs?

3.   What should my tagline for this site be? 

4.  Why do people think everyone is physically fit enough to do Insanity, P90X, bootcamps,  etc.?  

5.  Should anyone enroll their kid into a school that got phonetically happy with the title?

6. Have you ever seen someone be so EXTRA that you want them to have 3 seats (one for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost)?

7.  Does anybody else think it's hilarious that  Hurricane Isaac came through just when the Republicans were getting ready to descend on Tampa? 

8.  Can someone tell me why in 2012 people are still wearing colored contacts (other than Halloween)? 

9.  Who cleans road kill off the highways? 

10.  Why didn't somebody tell me how strenuous Zumba is?  

11.  What the heezy is home silicone?  

12.  Have you ever wanted a pregnant woman to stop talking because if they continue you may NEVER have kids?

13.  Can we have a political season without the hate? 

14. Who needs a medical degree when you can fake being a doctor for six months?

15. Why am I more obsessed with the workout clothes than the workout?

16.  Can Tom Cruise adopt me

17.  Am I the only person who DOES NOT watch Love & Hip Hop -  Atlanta? 

18. Have you seen a weave so cheap and bad that you thought a mangy cat had landed on the person's head? 

19. Does anybody think this monkey says "Oh Lord!" when he falls out? 

20.  Are you willing to support 2 causes (Wellspring Living and Team Avie) that I are dear to my heart?  

21.  Is it easier to go through the eye of a needle than to find the perfect bra?  

20two.  Are there enough languages for me to say thank you to all of you for supporting me over the past 5 months?  

20two kisses,

Monday, August 20, 2012

Break Up to Make Up

Break up to make up, that's all we do

First you love me, then you hate me

That's a game for fools

Break up to make up that's all we do

First you love me then you hate me 

That's a game for fools 

- The Stylistics

It seems like tis the season for breakups. From relationships to friendships breakups are hard, painful and all around challenging. Even though breakups are usually for the best because they allow people to grow and mature they still can be quite painful. So, with my bleeding heart I present this week's 20twoquestions....

1. So, did anyone NOT see the Evelyn and Ochocinco breakup coming?

2. However, did we think it was going to go down like Ike and Tina?

3. Is anyone else confused as to why it's taking longer for Kim Kardashian to get divorced than any of her engagements?

4. Is "And I Am Telling You" a breakup song or a stalker's anthem?

5. Why can't potatoes and I break up for good?
6. Have you ever just wanted to tell someone after a breakup these famous lines from the end of Gone With the Wind ?

7. Is Bernadine the reason arson is illegal?

8. Aren't you glad that you can eventually see the good in a breakup?

9. Why is it when you break up all the radio plays are sad love songs?

10. Is Adele's 21 album the breakup soundtrack? 

11. Is it easier to breakup with someone you love than someone you love breaking up with you?

12. Am I the only one that has too many exes that "Runaway" should be their theme song? 

13. Can true friendship really end? 

14. Can exes still be friends after the breakup?

15. Why do people not see that there is no such thing as friends with benefits?

16. Does Facebook have a count of how many relationships it has ruined?

17. Since God gives you the desires of your heart is anyone else questioning their own judgement?

18. Can real love ever end?

19. Have you ever had a breakup so bad that people start getting concern for your well being?

20. Is anyone else wondering why the heezy Kobe didn't have a prenup?

21. Aren't relationship epiphanies the best of times and the worst of times?

22. Aren't you glad that your residency in heartbreak hotel is only temporary? 
Still a Soldier for Love,
- N

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Haters Everywhere?!?!?

We got 'em goin down for the count, lookin at the ground
That's why we got haters, that's why we got haters

Haters everywhere we go, haters everywhere we go

Haters everywhere we go, where we go - B.O.B

I'm not that person that always sees the best in someone (unlike my friend who we have affectionately nicknamed Mighty Clouds of Joy).  However, a part of me for years just didn't want to believe that someone would just not like someone, throw salt in their game, or just hate on someone for no reason.  However, the older I get the more I realize hateration (thanks Mary J.) is not about's totally about the other person's insecurities, jealousy, or just plain evilness.  I realized that some people just don't realize their hating ways....others do and just don't care. It looks like I see haters and hating everywhere I I thought I would dedicate this week's blog to haters all around the world and some of the things I HATE (yup I'm guilty of being a hater too).....

1.  Have you ever had a workplace hater?

2.  Does anybody else hate when you have organized your desk and someone comes and puts something on it?

3. Why do people drive like they hate the minimum speed limit?

4. Why don't people realize the more energy you put toward hateration the more power you give it?

5.  Has anyone else had a friend turn into a hater?

6.  Can I love the "Hater Walk " line dance any more than I already do? 

7. Do you let your haters be your motivators? 

8.  Are there people you want to invite to the Player Haters Ball? 

9. Do you think haters are really like crickets? 

10.  Does anybody else hate when someone has a bad connection and they keep talking?

11.  Do any of my Big Brother fans hate the coach twist as much as me?

12. Do you love or hate 50 Cents' comments about Kimye? 

13.  Why do people still hate on the dead?

14.  Do people really hate folks because they are beautiful?

15.  Does anybody else want to hate R.Kelly's music but finds it extremely difficult because of his catchy hooks?  

16.  Is there anything to love about breaking up with someone you care about?

17.  Can you believe this is actually a book? 

18. Or should I just realize that Obamahateration just comes with the territory? 

19.  When will people stop using scriptures as the basis for their hateful ways? 

20. Did Kelis make one of the best Hate songs of all time? 

21. Don't you hate that golden Oreos are so freaking good?  

These are the best!
22.  If 80% of people hate their jobs what does that say about the quality of the work they do?

- N

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Going for the Gold

So, between my youth conference this past weekend (which by the way had an Olympic theme), watching the Olympics every night, and switching to full time with my job a sister is BEAT!!!  However, I try not to turn on the Olympics every night and I can't stop watching! Maybe because they only come on every 4 years, or maybe it awakens a competitive spirit in us, or maybe because you just want to cheer on the home time - but the Olympics has overcome my life and most of the people I know.  So, this week I had to dedicate my 20two questions to my inner Olympic Spirit....

This is me circa 1985.

1. Did anyone else want to be a gymnast when they grew up? 
2. Am I the only one who is staying up way pass their bedtime in order to watch the Olympics?

3. Is going to the Olympics on any one's bucket list?

4. Is my mind the only one going to a not so holy place when  looking at the male gymnasts? 

5.  What the heezy happened to Team USA of the men's gymnastics team?
6. Am I the only one that wants to do something to Gabby's hair? 
7.  Is the swimming competition inspiring anyone else to take lessons? 

8.  Why are the Olympic commentators so annoying?

9.  Does anybody else remember Keri Strug's famous vault? 

10.  Isn't Bela Karolyi the Phil Jackson of gymnastics?

11.  Speaking of Bela, isn't he looking more and more like the Quaker Oats guy without the mustache?

12. Is anybody else wondering if Michael Phelps is part dolphin?

13.  Was there any little girl in the 80s who didn't want to be Mary Lou Retton? 
14. Does anybody else think they should just cancel men's basketball as a competition and just default it to Team USA for the next century? 
15. Can you name all of the summer Olympic competitions?

16.  Is there an age limit to qualify for the Olympics?

17.  If not, who would support my 2016 campaign to be on the Olympic trampoline team?

18.  Am I the only one that didn't know gymnastics maximum score is no longer 10?

19.  Is anybody else as excited as me about the upcoming track and field events?

20.  When you think of track and field does your mind automatically think of greats like Carl Lewis and Jackie Joyner Kerse?

21. Doesn't this song inspire you to Reach as you go for the gold in your own life?

22.  Anybody want to go to Rio? 

Going for the gold all week,