Friday, June 29, 2012

"Sweet Home"

Take me to another place....Take me to another land...Make me forget all that hurts me....
Help me understand your plan...
-Tennessee - Arrested Development

This weekend I will be traveling to my hometown for my cousin's wedding.  Going back home always brings mixed emotions.  I'm always thrilled to see my family and friends, childhood sights and places, and to get a break from what  I'm use to everyday.  So in honor of traveling to "sweet home" as my brother use to call it (which is a reference from Beloved) I present this week's 20twoquestions...

1.  Does anybody else hate packing as much as I much as I do?

2.  Speaking of packing.... does anybody pack for a weekend trip like you are going on a 7 day vacation? 

3.  Why does sleeping in my parents house make my grown behind feel like I'm 12 years old?

4.  How I'm going to entertain myself for the first time in years (if not a decade) that I've had to make that 320+ miles journey alone?

5. Should I call my grandmother and tell her I want some of her pancakes before I leave so she'll be prepared to make them (lol) ? 
Took a picture after I had a bite!
I avoid Wal-Mart like a the plague.
6.  Am I the only one that avoids certain places when you go home so you will not run into everybody and their Mama while you at home?  

7.  Does anybody else look at some of the people you grew up with and wonder WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN

8. Did anyone else grow up in a small village?  

9.  Does anybody else wonder if their friends from where they live now saw the area where they grew up they would be amazed or feels like it explains a lot?

10.  Is your childhood bedroom almost the same as when you lived there?  
Remains of a Guy poster that was stapled to the ceiling of my childhood bedroom.*...use to read Word Up magazine*
11.  Does everybody in "sweet home" have the exact same phone number they did when you were a child?

12.  Do you cramp 5 days worth of visiting/eating/shopping within a 48 hour timeframe?

13.  Do you have a roadtrip playlist? 

14.  Do you hate seeing your exes when you go to your hometown and have to add "What was I thinking?" to question #7 ?

15.  After seeing your exes do you break out into several verses of "You Been So Faithful and "It Could of Been Me"? 

16.  Do you find yourself coming back home talking differently because you've picked up the local venicular and accent?

17.  Do random people play the "Do you remember me" game with you? 

18.  Or are you the subject of the hometown favorite match game - "You look just like your mom/dad..." ?

19.  Does your hometown have a food that you can ONLY get there and every time you go you have to have it? 
Slugburgers are a hometown FAVORITE!!!

20.  Are there any better friends than the ones you grew up with?

                                                21.  Is there anything sweeter than being in the company of your family? 

22.  Although sometimes you hate to leave, is there ANYTHING like return to your house and sleeping in your own bed?

But I am still thirsty,

- N

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