Friday, April 27, 2012

The Lazarus Edition

Hello everyone!  It seems that this week all kind of people, careers, relationships, etc. are either dead or rising from the dead or killing themselves softly with their actions.  So, this week's post is focused on ghosts, goblins, and the other Lazarus moments of the week.

1. Is anyone else spooked out by this 2Pac hologram business?

2.  And do we really want to see Left Eye as a hologram on the TLC tour?

3. How many people besides me hearted the Whitney Houston tribute on Glee?

4.What the heezy is going on in the Sanders household?

5. Then I want to know what kind of parent posts a pic of his kids filing out a police report on their mother?

6. Who knew that Beyonce was a high school dropout and is currently working on her GED? (explains her letter to the first lady)

7. Is anyone else looking at Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (a.k.a. Kimye) with a blank stare?

8. Don’t you thnk Dancing With The Stars has resuscitated Jaleel White’s career?

9. Why in the world would they serve fast food in hospitals?

10.  If a company puts “fresh made” in quotations marks on their products are we suppose to believe that it really is?

11. Do the people who wear Indian Remy hair even know what it is and where it comes from?

12. Why are people still rolling around with words on the windshield of their car?

13. Is anyone else SUPER uncomfortable at the nail salon because of the language barrier?

14. Are educators the only ones who understand why that 6 year old was arrested?

15. What possibly drove this teacher to shoot blanks at his students?  (for possible answer see previous question)

16.  Why in the world would anyone fake cancer?

17.  And to add to that...where in the heezy are her parents?

18.  Does anyone else like the old band better?

19. Am I the only one that thinks God really allows us to swim in the dating cesspool only so we can recognize when we have someone that’s not full of crap?

20. Does this person not have any friends?

21. Or is he making a statement that money talks?

22. What would you do if your man had these on?

Until next week,

- N

Friday, April 20, 2012

Because I Got High....

Seriously people....what in the world is going on with people?  I mean some of the stuff that people do boggles my mind.  Sometimes the only answer to some questions you hope is Because I Got High....So in honor of 420 day (in which I knew nothing about until today) I pose 22 questions that I really hope that some of the answers are because the person got high and not because they were in their right mind...

1. I know I'm an educator and editing papers is part of my job, but is anyone else embarrassed by Beyonce's letter to the first lady?  
Beyonce, I need you to choose which point of view you want to write your letter in (first person, second person, or third person) and stick with it throughout your writing. Getting out my red pen...
2.  How can you really be so distracted that you leave your grandchild in the trunk of a car?  

3. When will people realize shorts are NOT for everybody?
This is why I haven't worn shorts since 1999...
4. How can so much sex appeal come from one man? 

5.  What magic pill is Nia Long and Blair Underwood taking that keeps them from aging?

6.  Why is Clay Aiken on Celebrity Apprentice looking like
 Pig Pen?
7. Don't you wish you could tell people off like Julia Sugarbaker?

8. Don't you wish AT LEAST you had a request line where you can dedicate songs to people that will tell them off? (Coming up next on the request line (choose one)....Backstabbers, Why You Treat Me So Bad, You Wanna Be Starting Something, Get on My Level, Beat It....)

9.  Mystikal....Really? Domestic dispute?  I guess he listened to much to this song....

10.  Why would anyone still put a bra on the front of their car?
11.  Why is moving the absolute worst?

12.  Who in the heezy would put a feeding tube down their throat in order to lose weight?

13. During this school testing season I hope everyone realize that prayer is DEFINITELY back in school?

14. Can we bootleg love and sprinkle it on folks when start acting stank?

15.  How many people wake up every morning and go to a job they hate?
16. And if that is you how long are you going to do that?

17. If men had big breast would they still like them as much as they do?  

18.  Is Phaedra the only person on Real Housewives of Atlanta that is happy?

19. In our unbeweavable world does anyone besides me wear their own hair?

20.  Why in the world did the makers of this shirt think that any Big and Tall man needs to walk around with a Hey Kool-aid shirt?

21. How old is too old to still be trying to become a rapper?

22. Is anyone else baffled by prostitution?  I know several people who will give it up for free and you won't have to pay...IJS 

Until next week,

- N

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today in Blank Stare News...

Another week and I'm bringing you another set of randomness.  My lovely line sister Cisely sent me a text this week entitled: In Today's Blank Stare news...I hollered....So, I decided to entitle this week's post in honor of those things and people that create blank stares once you see them or hear them....

1.  Do you know someone who has lost weigh but looked better fat?

2. How many of you speculate that someone you know significant other is secretly in the closet?

3. Will anyone miss Sheree on Real House Wives of Atlanta?  

4. Can you believe we are living in an area where the youngest generation doesn’t know who Bugs Bunny is?

5. How did we take a drama like The Color Purple and now view it as a comedy? 

6. Wonders do doctors have to take a course in  bedside manners before they finish medical school?

7. Rodney King , do you really think that Trayvon Martin’s death is equal to your beatdown?

8. Is anyone else nervous about the talks about filming sequels to Love Jones and the Best Man?

9. Is teaching children manners an old school parenting skill?

10. Does anyone still have a container where they put their old cooking oil?

11. Can you still not trust a big butt and a smile?

12. Can beauty supply stores and hair dressers make their customers go through pre weave workshops before they buy? (Sample classes: When Weave Goes Wrong 101, Color blending 201, Quantity Doesn't Equal Quality 300, and Tricks and Tips of the Trade 400)

Madame....take classes 101 and 300 immediately

13. Did everyone else do a happy dance when Zimmerman was charged?

14. Does anyone else have a person you call a friend only because you know if you don’t be their friend they won’t have anyone?

15. Is anyone else totally grossed out by Morgan Freeman and his step granddaughters relationship?

16. Do you have a list of people that you wish you could permanently put *blank stare* on their Facebook status wall? 

17. Anybody else loves when your parents visit but loves it more when they leave?

18. How can you nicely to tell people to stop suggesting whack questions to add to this blog?

19. How can one of my college students can barely speak English, but can turn in an article in with perfect diction and  grammar?

20. Was anyone else wasn’t completely offended, but sees the “coonery” in Mary J. Blige’s Burger King commercial?  

21. However, wouldn't you make the exact same commercial if you were offered $2 million?

22. How many generations should be paying on a church’s building fund last?

Until next week,


Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Edition

This has been one HEEZY of a week.  As a result, I did not get to watch much TV so these questions really are going to seem REAL RANDOM.  Apologizing in  So here goes the 20two questions that pushed through the chaos and crossed my mind this week....

1. Why are there only Church’s Chicken in low income neighborhoods? Let heart disease be equal opportunity.
Does this look like anywhere anyone should eat? You eat cheap so that you can save up on your blood pressure medicine.

2. When will men and women realize that back fat is 

NOT SEXY? PLEASE Cover up your lady lumps....Roll off thunder hear my cry!  

Now this is more than fat rolls...Sweetie you have another set of breasts.

3. Why do people start hollering when their phone has a bad 

reception?  That is not going to help people hear you!

4. Shouldn’t Popeyes be a seafood joint since he was a sailor?

5. Who would have ever thought that Khandi (from Xscape and now from RHOA) would be such a FREAK NASTY?

6.Wonders how Back That Thang Up can still get a party crunk in 2012? Love me some Cash Money

7. Why don’t people understand that cornrows, fingerwaves, and designs cut in your child's head are not the business? (and no one wants to see this on Easter Sunday either)

8. How much money will be spent this weekend on Easter outfits, hosiery, shoes, hairdos, haircuts, and white gloves? 
Probably enough to at least put a dent into the national debt.

9. How many churches still torture kids this time of year by making them do Easter speeches?

This poor child...

10. Why is sweet tea the mighty liquid from the gods?

11. Why does Easter have the best candy out of all the holidays?

12. Is anyone else praying to the reality TV gods that this is true?

13. Have you ever seen someone’s breast sagging so bad that you either wanted to perch them up on your arm or ask a shorter person to walk in front of them to hold them up with their head?

14. Wonders what the heezy happened to Daisy Duke? The years have not be kind....she should have stuck to that country living.

          Before....                                             After....

Dukes of Hazzard Days
Now on Young & The Restless

15. Why is Good the adjective that was settled on to describe the Friday Jesus was crucified for our sins? 

16. Why is soda just disease in a bottle? 

17. How do dogwood trees know to bloom before Easter every year even though it is never the same date? (And if you don't know the symbolism of the dogwood tree find out here.)

18. Why weren’t adults alarmed back in the day when kids use to “smoke” candy cigarettes and chew gum sold as chewing tobacco?

19. Why is all the bad for you but great tasting food a golden brown color?

20.  Speaking of which...can Checkers/Rallys get at least one healthy food item on their menu besides tomatoes and lettuce?

21.  If Trayvon Martin was a white kid and Zimmerman was a black man do you think he would be in jail by now?

22. Even if Obama could cure AIDS, cancer,diabetes (a.k.a the sugar), & acne would he even get credit for it at this point?  

Until next week,
