Friday, February 15, 2013

Oooo- Scandalous....

I can't remember what show and what character use to say "Oooo, Scandalous!" However, there is a lot  of  scandalous behavior all around us.  I am talking  that stuff that makes you use all the acronymns WTF, WTH, OMG, and just SMDH.   This week's 20two questions are dedicated to real scandalous topics...

1. Am I the only person in America (or at least on Facebook) that doesn't watch Scandal?

2.  As whack as I think lip-syncing is, don't you wish you could have prerecorded track some days on your job?

3.  I didn't watch the Superbowl performance, but Keyshia - is your opinion really important to anyone other than yourself?

4.  Am I the only one who thinks Chris Brown and Frank Ocean are really having a lovers quarrel?

5.  Does Sweet Brown know she's the newest star in the minstrel show entitled "Goldie"?

6. Speaking of Goldie - have you seen her commercials (Yes, I meant to pluralize that)?

7.  Now that you are making that money Sweet Brown do you have time for some veneers? (make time for that)

8.  Back in the day would this be considered "taking a village"? 

9.  Speaking of bad parenting, can I please borrow the Dollar General Store clerk's belt for this lady? 

10. Why in the world would Gucci Mane be a speaker at Career Day?  

11.  Does anyone else believe that this is exactly what he talked about? 

12.  Do the police make a habit of taking pics with people they take into custody
I have to admit this 2 Chainz story made me chuckle.
13.  Michelle, please tell us what John Boehner said to make you roll your eyes?

14.  On another note Michelle, should I be bench pressing at my desk in order to get your arms? (DAYUM)

15.  Can someone please grab Cornel West a seat?  \_ 

16.  And before he sits down can he please grab a chair for Lil Wayne before he says something else stupid

17. Since everyday people have babies all the time why does being pregnant make folks newsworthy?

18.  Speaking of "babies" this cute or creepy?   

19.  Now what is the True Hollywood Story behind this Christopher Dorner story?

20.  Can we get a show called "Behind the Altar" so it can tell us why the Pope really stepped down?

21.  Kandi, what's the REAL reason you won't be joining the So So Def reunion concert

Definitely not pointing at Kandi
22. Isn't Scandalous one of the best Prince songs of all time?

Keeping it scandalous,
- N

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reality Gone Wild


  1. The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them: "he refuses to face reality".
  2. A thing that is actually experienced or seen, esp. when this is grim or problematic: "the harsh realities of life".
actuality - fact - truth - verity

If this is the definition of reality - then reality has truly gone wild.  When I look at the world it looks like reality is renegade of its true meaning.   This weeks 20two questions shows just how wild reality has become...

1.  Why are gas prices rising and falling like the stock market?

2.  Can we please learn the rules for using an apostrophe? 

To care or not to care
3.  Does anyone else have mixed feelings about this Destiny Child's (the 2.0 version) Superbowl reunion? 

4.  Is there such a thing as Facebook rehab? 

5.  Aren't shellac manicures one of the best inventions of the 21st century? 

6.  Does anyone else think this bit on Morgan Freeman is hilarious but somewhat ridiculously true? 

7.  Do you not love when OGs (Original Gangstas) like Dick Gregory put young cats like Spike Lee in their place?  

8.  Does anyone besides Kenya Moore 
think she's Gone With the Wind Fabulous? 
9.  Speaking of Kenya....who besides her and drag queens would like her new "song"? 

9.  Am I the only one that wishes she could truly be gone with the wind? (Sandy, Katrina, El Nino...)

10.  Why do people think it is appropriate to have Dr. King club events and parties? 
11. Speaking of ratchet flyers...did anyone else gasp as hard as I did when they looked at this slideshow?

12. Shouldn't we begin singing a chorus of "We Shall Overcome" just by looking at this?

13.  Did anyone else realize that being single only gives the government the right  to screw you?

14. Aren't you excited to see what Michelle Obama is going to wear to the Inauguration this year?
In 2009 she looked like SOLID GOLD!!!
15.  Will I see you at the Inauguration?  

16.  Am I truly ready for D.C. weather in January? 

17.  Who else was disappointed by Real Husbands of Hollywood?

18.  On second thought - Were my expectations too high for a show on BET?

19.  Which funeral on Best Funeral Ever had you appalled/shocked the most? 

20. Whatever the supposed objectives of The Sisterhood do you think they were accomplished? 

21.  I know Oxygen is suppose to be element we can not live without, but aren't you glad the TV station Oxygen realized we can do without All My Babies Mamas?

22.  Hasn't the word reality changed since the creation of reality TV?

Real talk
- N

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year - New Posts

Happy 2013!!!!  A new year always brings people a sense of starting over.  We consider it a way to start a new and refocus our  goals, ambitions, and desires in a direction that we think will better our lives.  That's exactly what I want to do with 20two questions.  It's time for a renewal of my weekly dedication to this blog.   So after months of silence I present to you 20two questions for 2013....

1. Who in the heezy thought shooting guns to signify a new year was a good idea?

2. Am I the only one SMDH at the fact that Kimye is about to have a baby?

3. Since African Americans are now free shouldn't we call service on New Years Eve something other than watch night?

4. Why is it so popular for some churches to advertise their pastor and first lady on billboards instead of using that space to minister  about Christ?  

5. Can we please in 2013 worship God and not the pastor/minister/bishop?

6. Can anyone recommend a good psychiatrist for RHOA's Kenya Moore?

7. Speaking of Kenya,  Will anybody really buy her line of T-shirts?  

8.  Did anybody else almost lose their dinner after watching Phaedra and Apollo kiss on Sunday's episode?

9.  Did anybody else see that strip joint on RHOA (Clermont Lounge) and think even I could work there?

10. Can we truly leave ratchetness in 2013?

11. Is getting back with your abuser the new trend for '13?

12.  Is 2013 the year of the reality show free for all?

13. (Question 12 Exhibit A): Can anyone actually make it past the first 3 minutes of Shawty Lo's reality show trailer: All My Babies' Mama?

14.  Can we PLEASE push Congress off a fiscal cliff? 

15.  Does anyone else wish you had the ability to not let people like your status on Facebook?

16.  Can I get any more amped about going to D.C. for the Inauguration? 

17. Did Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose not have Red Ribbon Week in their schools growing up? 

18.  Does anyone besides me want to report their stance on weed and their child to child protective services? 

19.  Are you chasing after God in 2013? 

20.  Will you really keep your new year's resolutions? 

21.  Why do African Americans allow "artist" such as Trindad Jones to get so popular that our race is set back to the Dred Scott case?

22.  Did you miss me as much as I missed you?

Until next week (I promise),

 - N

Friday, December 7, 2012

Gaining Momentum....

Story of my life: start something, become all super motivated, then WHAM life takes over and my aspirations are stalled.   That is exactly what has happened to my blog.  In the last 6 months I lost a brother, moved, broke up with a boyfriend, received additional responsibilities at my job, taught college classes, became super motivated in my workout regime, got a new boo, etc.  All these things have slammed me (whether good or bad) emotionally and physically.  However, I finally feel my life slowing down enough for me to begin to gain some momentum and a new focus on the true meaning of life....

(Gaining Momentum - MC Hammer)

One of the things that HAS to be reintroduced into my life is this blog.  I enjoyed the pressure of my weekly deadline and the need to share with my readers all the random questions that go through my head every week.  I had someone who consistently held me accountable for ensuring that this blog was completed every week.  Now that relationship is severed I had no one to hold me accountable.  I knew that it was up to me, but sometimes if you are the only one holding yourself accountable things tend to fall to the wayside.  

I kept putting off starting this blog again until one of my sorors told me she missed it (Thanks Soror Tami).  During our brief conversation I realized I missed it too.  Therefore, I going to do whatever it takes to keep the momentum going.... However, I need each of you to be my accountability partners.  Don't let weeks and months go by without getting your 20twoquestions in.  First question:  Do you have my back?

- N

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Eye of the Tiger

Over a year ago I was in a horrible state:  After having one of the worst years professionally, I found myself in a bad place mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Physically I found myself at a weight that reflected an  area code.  I saw blood pressure numbers that made me a walking/talking stroke waiting to happen.  As a result, I made changes in my eating.  However, besides line dancing I did not have any other real physical activity -  until the last 2 months.  In August I joined the world of Zumba...My body had not hat that much cardio since I played basketball during my adolescence.  It was torture at first.  However, I had started the journey and I was dedicated to finish it.

I'm sure many of you have experienced this same thing.  Looking for something to be your motivation/inspiration.  In the middle of all workouts searching for the eye of the tiger to get you through it.   So this week's 20twoquestions are dedicated to all those who trying to get in shape mentally, emotionally, and definitely physically....

1.  Why can't I just wave a magic wand or click my ruby slippers and lose as much weight as I would like? 

2. Who does Kanye think he is can ask Kim to lose weight?

3.  Why am I more obsessed with the workout clothes than the workout? 

4.  Why do all the lazy people end up in the back of the workout class like the teacher won't be able to see them? 

5.  Is there any excuse that is valid for skinny people to not exercise? 

6.  How do I have more stamina in Zumba than people half my size?

7. Am I the only person that thinks running is for when you are being chased or in trouble? 

8.  Is anyone else horrified by the calories being placed on McDonald's menus? 

9.  Why are most combo meals half the caloric intake a person should eat in a day?

10. Why is losing weight the only cure doctor's give for all the issues overweight people have? 

11. What the heezy was I thinking deciding to do 6 AM Zumba?

12.  Was I the only one that was so young that I actually thought this song was really about exercise? 

13. In modern day contrast, do you think any young child thought this song was about exercise? 

14.  Did you know just losing 10 pounds made this big of a difference? 
Step Out for Diabetes -Team Avie

Wellspring Living 5K Race to Restore
15.  Can you believe I did two 5Ks in September? 

16. Why do people who have never had a weight issue always trying to give advice to those of us who have? 

 17.  Does anyone else have personal workout mantras? 

18.  Do you still have Tae-Bo tapes and/or DVDs?

19.  Am I the only one who still uses TaeBo DVDs from time to time? (head down in shame)

20.  Why do people have to stare at themselves in the mirrors in the gym the entire time they are working out?  (kind of creepy) 

21.  Am I the only person who does not thinking walking is an enjoyable type of exercise?

22. Would you like to join me in bringing sexy back? 

Happy Sweating,
- N